Using the catalog

In this section we will explore the different ways by which you can interact with the catalog:

Help button

Deploying WordPress app from the catalog


  • Playground is installed
playground login
Login success

On default versions

By default, if no version is specified on any of the catalog commands, the latest version is assumed.

Listing existing applications

One of the first operations you may be interested in is to check which applications are available on the catalog. To explore the contents of the catalog use:

playground catalog list
APPLICATION                               VISIBILITY    NAME
napptive/drawio:14.3.0                    Public        Drawio
napptive/drawio:17.2.4                    Public        Drawio
napptive/jupyter:ubuntu-20.04             Public        Jupyter
napptive/mysql:5.7                        Public        Mysql
napptive/nginx:1.20.0                     Public        NGINX server
napptive/nifi:1.13.2                      Public        NiFi
napptive/phpmyadmin:5.1.0                 Public        Mysql-PHPMyAdmin
napptive/tensorflow:nightly-jupyter       Public        Tensorflow
napptive/wordpress:5.8.1                  Public        Wordpress

You can also list the applications stored in the catalog using the Playground Web. Click on the upper left hand corner Catalog iconto open the catalog window. Catalog summary
Catalog screen

This window features different list sortings and a search filter. The green line on the bottom of some of the apps in the list means that the application is tested by Napptive and is ready to deploy. The sorting icon Catalog sort default icon (default sorting), sets the Napptive tested and ready-to-deploy apps on the top of the list, followed by the user’s public uploaded apps. You can click the Catalog alphabetical order icon icon to sort the apps by alphabetical order, and clicking again on the same icon will reverse the order.
The search bar filters the apps list, using the typed term to match the apps names.

Alternatively, you can limit the listing to a specified namespace with:

playground catalog <another_namespace>
APPLICATION                         NAME
<another_namespace>/mysql:latest    Mysql
<another_namespace>/mysql:v0.0.1    Mysql

To perform the same action on the web interface, you can click on your username namespace tab. This will show the list of apps uploaded to your catalog namespace.

Catalog username namespace

Catalog username namespace

Obtaining information about an application

Each application that is published provides metadata information about the application itself, plus an optional that can clarify how to work with the application once deployed (e.g., which are the default passwords). To obtain information about a given application use:

playground catalog info napptive/drawio:14.3.0
APP_ID                    NAME
napptive/drawio:14.3.0    Drawio

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or click in any item of the application list to display the information. The active item is marked with a top bar blue to purple gradient.

Catalog application

Catalog application

Downloading an application

To obtain a copy of the application, use:

playground catalog pull napptive/drawio:14.3.0
SUCCESS    application saved on drawio.tgz

or click the download button Download button next to the deploy button, when any application of the list is active.

Catalog app detail

Catalog application detail

Removing an application

To remove an application use:

playground catalog remove myuser/appName:v1.0
SUCCESS    myuser/appName:v1.0 removed from catalog

To delete an application using the interface, you just need to click on the bottom right delete button Download button

Getting catalog summary

If you want to know how many namespaces, applications and versions are in the catalog, execute:

playground catalog summary
2             10              11

In the Playground Web, this information is provided in the top center part in the main catalog view when no element of the applications list is active.

Catalog summary

Catalog summary

Changing application visibility

You can change the scope of an application (from private to public or from public to private) using the following command:

 playground catalog change-visibility myuser/appName --private
SUCCESS    Application myuser/appName changed to private


playground catalog change-visibility myuser/appName --public
SUCCESS    Application myuser/appName changed to public