
A webservice component describes long-running, scalable, containerized services that have a network endpoint attached to it. Notice that the service enables component-to-component communication. From the point of Kubernetes this type of component generates Deployments and Services. To expose the component to the Internet use the napptive-ingress trait.

This component type supports properties to define the basic information about the image, its associated volumes, and the health probes that can be associated with it.

Basic information

Basic information includes the image that will be launched with an optional cmd property to define a command different from the one in the image entrypoint. Additionally, the container can define its exposed ports so that it can communicate with other services, and the requested CPU and memory to better utilize the available quota. The following YAML file contains a minimal example of a webservice with basic information.

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    - name: backend # Name of the component
      type: webservice # Set to webservice
        image: my-app-image:v1.0.0 # (Required) Container image
        env: # (Optional) Definition of the environment variables for the container
          - name: ENV_VAR1 # Setting the value directly
            value: "value1"
        cmd: ["server", "run"] # (Optional) Commands to run in the container.
        cpu: "0.5" # (Optional) Define the requested CPU.
        memory: 256Mi # (Optional) Define the requested memory.
        ports: # Optional definition of the ports that are exposed by the container
        - port: 80
          expose: true # (Optional) Setting expose to true will generate a Service endpoint to
                       # enable component-to-component communication.

Using volumes

The system supports different methods to attach a volume to a container. The main use cases are:

  • Attaching a persistent volume to store information that should survive container reboots.
  • Attaching a configmap to include the configuration file in a given path.
  • Attaching a secret to include files (e.g., TLS certificates) in a given path.
  • Attaching an empty dir as ephemeral storage for temporal files.

The following YAML file contains a minimal example of a webservice component with different volumes attached to it.

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    - name: backend # Name of the component
      type: webservice # Set to webservice
        image: my-app-image:v1.0.0 # (Required) Container image
        volumeMounts: # (Optional) Definition of the volumes to be mounted
          pvc: # Using a Persistent Volume Claim
          - name: data
            mountPath: "/var/lib/db"
            claimName: "db-pvc"
          configMap: # Using a Config Map
          - name: cm-data
            mountPath: "/config"
            cmName: "db-config"
          secret: # Using a Secret
          - name: cert-data
            mountPath: "/certs"
            secretName: "db-certs"
          emptyDir: # Using an ephemeral mount
          - name: temp-data
            mountPath: "/var/lib/tmp"

Defining probes

Probes allow the system to determine when a component is ready to accept traffic, and when the component is healthy. The later information can be used to automatically reboot the component. The following YAML file contains a webservice component with a readiness and liveness probe attached to it.

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    - name: backend # Name of the component
      type: webservice # Set to webservice
        image: my-app-image:v1.0.0 # (Required) Container image
        readinessProbe: # (Optional) Definition of the readiness probe to determine the 
                       # if the component can accept traffic.
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
          initialDelaySeconds: 3 # Number of seconds after the container is started before the first
                                # probe is initiated. Set to 0 by default.
          periodSeconds: 3 # How often, in seconds, to execute the probe. Set to 10 by default
        livenessProbe: # (Optional) Definition of the liveness probe to determine the 
                       # health status of a component rebooting it if needed
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
          initialDelaySeconds: 3 # Number of seconds after the container is started before the first
                                # probe is initiated. Set to 0 by default.
          periodSeconds: 3 # How often, in seconds, to execute the probe. Set to 10 by default

Full example of a webservice component

The following YAML shows a complete example of a webservice with all the major options.

apiVersion: core.oam.dev/v1beta1
kind: Application
  name: my-app
    - name: backend # Name of the component
      type: webservice # Set to webservice
        image: my-app-image:v1.0.0 # (Required) Container image
        ports: # Optional definition of the ports that are exposed by the container
        - port: 80
          expose: true # (Optional) Setting expose to true will generate a Service endpoint to
                       # enable component-to-component communication.
        cmd: ["server", "run"] # (Optional) Commands to run in the container.
        cpu: "0.5" # (Optional) Define the requested CPU.
        memory: 256Mi # (Optional) Define the requested memory.
        env: # (Optional) Definition of the environment variables for the container
          - name: ENV_VAR1 # Setting the value directly
            value: "value1"
          - name: ENV_VAR2 # Using a secret to obtain a key value
                name: secret-name
                key: key2
          - name: ENV_VAR3 # Using a configmap to obtain a key value
                name: config-map-name
                key: key2
        volumeMounts: # (Optional) Definition of the volumes to be mounted
          pvc: # Using a Persistent Volume Claim
          - name: data
            mountPath: "/var/lib/db"
            claimName: "db-pvc"
          configMap: # Using a Config Map
          - name: cm-data
            mountPath: "/config"
            cmName: "db-config"
          secret: # Using a Secret
          - name: cert-data
            mountPath: "/certs"
            secretName: "db-certs"
          emptyDir: # Using an ephemeral mount
          - name: temp-data
            mountPath: "/var/lib/tmp"
        readinessProbe: # (Optional) Definition of the readiness probe to determine the 
                       # if the component can accept traffic.
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
          initialDelaySeconds: 3 # Number of seconds after the container is started before the first
                                # probe is initiated. Set to 0 by default.
          periodSeconds: 3 # How often, in seconds, to execute the probe. Set to 10 by default
        livenessProbe: # (Optional) Definition of the liveness probe to determine the 
                       # health status of a component rebooting it if needed
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
          initialDelaySeconds: 3 # Number of seconds after the container is started before the first
                                # probe is initiated. Set to 0 by default.
          periodSeconds: 3 # How often, in seconds, to execute the probe. Set to 10 by default