Playground CLI

Our CLI interface gives you access to the same functionality available on the web interface plus some additional features.

CLI commands will be shown within the related documentation for the platform. For more information on the latest available commands, or details on accepted parameters use:

Available Commands:
  account        Operate with the available accounts
  apps           Retrieve the applications that are deployed on the cluster.
  catalog        This command contains all commands related to the catalog.
  completion     Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config         This command contains all commands related to the CLI configuration.
  dashboard      Open playground.
  def            This command contains all commands related to the OAM defintions.
  env            Operate with the available environments
  get-kubeconfig Get a standard kubeconfig file to connect with the Napptive Playground cluster.
  help           Help about any command
  k8s            This command contains all commands related to the k8s entities.
  login          Login into Napptive Playground
  logout         Logout of Napptive Playground
  plan           List all the available plans
  user           This command contains all commands related to the user information.
  zone           Operate with playground zones

If you have found any issue with the CLI, or have a suggestion for new commands, please open a ticket so the engineering team can take a look to it.