Updating the CLI

Follow the next instructions to update the CLI depending on your operating system

Linux and MacOS

To update the playground CLI follow the same steps as in the Installation.


Use the provided installation script with

curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/artifacts.playground.napptive.dev/installer.sh && bash installer.sh

playground installed into /usr/local/bin/ successfully.

* Playground installed successfully!  ๐Ÿ‘Œ          *
*                                                 *
* By proceeding, you are accepting the NAPPTIVE   *
* terms and conditions                            *
* https://napptive.com/terms-and-conditions       *
*                                                 *
* You can visit our documentation page            *
* for more information https://docs.napptive.com/ *
* ENJOY!!!    ๐Ÿ‘‹                                  *

After that, the new version of the playground CLI will be available.

Manual installation

Download the target version using the links provided in the Downloads page, decompress it, and copy the binary into the existing path. After that, the new version of the playground CLI will be available.


To update the playground binary, download the target version using the links provided in the Downloads page and unzip the file. Copy the binary into the same path as the previous one and the new version of the CLI will be available. Notice that you may need to allow the new binary to connect to the Internet depending on the Windows Defender Firewall configuration.

Whatโ€™s next