On-premise configuration

There is the possibility of having several installations defined, so that it will be possible to connect to different platforms depending on the selected installation.

The command playground config will serve to manage these facilities.

Add installation

To add a new installation, execute the following command:

playground config add-installation <name> <fqdn>
Setting new default installation: <name>
Configuration updated on: /Users/<user>/.napptive/.playground.yaml

after adding a new installation, it will become the active installation.

Remove installation

To remove an configured installation:

playground config remove-installation <name>
New default installation: <other>
Configuration updated on: /Users/<user>/.napptive/.playground.yaml

List installations

To list all installations:

playground config view
Effective configuration:
SERVER                                                TLS     SKIP_CERT
api.<installation1_url>,staging.<installation1_url>   true    false

CURRENT    NAME               SERVER                                                           TLS     SKIP_CERT
*          <installation1>    api.<installation1_url>,staging.<installation1_url>              true    false
           <installation2>    api.<installation2_url>,staging.<installation2_url>              true    false
           <installation3>    api.<installation3_url>,staging.<installation3_url>              true    false

Select an installation

To change the active installation, execute:

playground config use-installation <new>
New default installation: <new>
Configuration updated on: /Users/<user>/.napptive/.playground.yaml

Adding a custom CA

In some cases, the installation uses a custom CA, you can include this in the configuration of the installation. Having as active the installation to which we want to add the CA, execute:

playground config set-client-ca <ca_path>
Configuration updated on: /Users/<user>/.napptive/.playground.yaml

Configuration file

All the configurations will be saved into a file in the path /Users/<user>/.napptive/.playground.yaml. This file has the following format:

createdwithversion: <cli_version>
currentinstallation: <name>
- ConnectionConfig:
    CatalogAddress: catalog.<url>
    CatalogPort: 7060
    ClientCA: ""
    DashboardURL: <url>
    LoginURL: https://<url>/oauth/login?source=cli
    PATAddress: <url>
    ServerAddress: api.<url>
    ServerPort: 8002
    SkipCertValidation: false
    UseTLS: true
  Name: <name>